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Name Dates Unit, Univ., UU Geographic Information Contributions Connections Library UUWHS Publ. Calendar Web- Bio RE
Paalz, Gladys B. Wheeler ?–1927> Unit MA, IN, OH religious educator, Director Unitarian Sunday School Society Publ.
Padgham, Estella Elizabeth 1874-1952 Unit IO, NJ minister, religious educator, liberal religious speaker Publ. RE
Page, Emily Rebecca 1834-1862 Univ New England poet Publ.
Palfrey, Sarah Hammond 1823-1914 Unit philanthropist, author d. of John Gorham Palfrey Publ.
Parker, Anna B. 1868-1931 Unit New England physician, minister Publ.
Parker, Celia (See Woolley) Publ.
Parker, Harriet Marie Unit con d. Celia Parker Woolley Publ.
Parker, Mrs. C Lib.
Parkes, Bessie Rayner 1829-1925 Unit England essayist gd. Joseph Priestly Publ.
Parsons, Sarah Publ.
Patterson, Jane Lippitt 1829-? Univ NY, PA writer, substitute lay minister h. Rev. Adoniram Judson Patterson Lib. Publ.
Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer 1804-1894 Unit New England author, teacher, reformer, transcendentalist f. Emerson, Alcott, Fuller, etc. Lib. Publ. 1998 Dictionary Famous
Peebles, Linda Olsen lv. UU minister, historian Anna Garlin Spencer Publ.
Pennoyer, Hanna Gertrude Rosco Coe 1877-1958 Univ New England minister f. Rev. Thomas Roscoe Publ.
Perkins (Westcott), Mary Fitch Publ.
Perkins, Elizabeth Peck 1735-1807 Univ Boston business woman f. John Murray Publ.
Perkins, Frances
Perkins, Lucy Lib.
Perkins, Sara Maria Clinton 1824-1905 Univ NY, NH, VT minister Publ.
Perry, Harriet G. Haskell 1812-1881 Univ CT writer h. John B. Perry Publ.
Perry, Lila Cabot
Peterson, Abby A. 1856-1919 Unit MA, NC educator h. Ellis Peterson Publ. 2004
Pettingill, Bertha Frances Capen 1873-1959 Unit ME minister, RE Publ. RE
Pfaff, Hope Hilton 1918-1966 Univ MA, CT, ME, ONT, CA minister Publ.
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart Lib.
Phelps,Margaret Univ teacher/translater of Chinese Publ.
Pickett, Anita Trueman 1881-1960 Unit MA Rowe Camp, minister, lecturer, poet h. Rev. Harold Pickett Lib. Publ. 1997
Pierce, Florence Lonsbury 1867-1945 Unit IO, DC minister Publ.
Pinkham, Lydia Estes 1819-1883 Univ medicines, women’s health and hygiene Lib. Publ. 2003 Famous
Pjetursson, Jennie McCain 1840-? Unit NH, MI, Iceland, Winnepeag Post Office Missions h. Bjourn Pjetursson Publ.
Plath, Sylvia 1932-1963 Unit MA poet h. Edward James Hughes; Olive Proudy Publ. Dictionary Famous
Plympton, A.G. Lib.
Pollitt, Phoebe lv. UU historian Re. Hannah Powell Publ.
Porter, Charlotte Van Dekar 1826-1923 Univ PA, NY minister Publ.
Porucznik, Mary Ann lv. UU con historian Augusta Chapin Publ.
Potter, Beatrix 1866-1943 Unit England children’s author, illustrator Lib. Publ. Famous RE
Pousonby, Sarah Unit England Lady of Llangloan Publ.
Powell, Hannah Jewett 1866-1954 Univ ME, NC minister, missionary Publ.
Powell, Marie Cole Lib.
Powers, Elmina J. ?-1871 Univ Civil War worker, writer Publ.
Pray, Mary Catherine Evans 1806-1879 Univ poet Publ.
Price, Abby Hill 1814-1878 Univ Hopedale Community, women’s activist Publ.
Proctor, Lucy Chapman 1873-1963 Unit Publ.
Prouty, Olive Higgins 1882-1974 Unit MA writer, Stella Dallas h. Lewis Prouty Publ. 1999 Dictionary Famous
Pullen, Doris 2004
Putnam, Caroline Unit con Sallie Holley Publ.
Putnam, Helen Grace 1840-1895 Unit MA, ND, MN minister Publ.
Quinby, Cordelia Adaline Brooks 1833-? Univ ME Superintendent SS, Augusta h. Rev. G.W.Quinby Publ. RE
Quincy, Elizabeth Unit con d. Abigail Adams Publ.
Rahman, Qiyamah lv. UU African women’s studies Publ.
Ralph, Agnes Stuart 1851-1917 Univ WI, IO, CA minister h. Rev. Walter Scot Ralph Publ.
Rawlinson, Maxine Lib.
Reid, Eliza Anne McIntosh 1842-1927? Unit Montreal feminist, reformer Publ.
Reid, Elizabeth Jesser Unit England philanthopist, Beford College Publ.
Reid, Helen R.Y. 1869-1941 Unit Canada public service d.of Eliza Reid Publ.
Reinhardt, Aurelia Isabell Henry 1877-1948 Unit CA Mills College, lay minister, educator, activist Starr King Professorship Publ. 1996 Famous RE
Reynolds, Malvina Milder 1900-1978 UU CA songstress Publ. 2003 Famous
Rheingans, Verna Paul Armstrong 1880-? Univ minister Publ.
Rice, Carrie A. Univ WI, CA, Chicago minister Publ.
Rich, Helen Hinsdale 1827-? Univ writer, lecturer Publ.
Richards, Laura E. Howe 1850-1943 Unit ME founder of library, nursing service, hospital; writer, philanthopist d. of Julia Ward Howe Lib. Publ.
Richmond, Mary Ellen 1861-1928 Unit Baltimore social activist, writer Publ.
Ridley, Florida Ruffin 1861-1943 Unit Boston editor, Women’s Era Club m. Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin Publ. 1996
Rinehart, Mary Rogers Lib.
Ripley, Sara Alden Bradford 1793-1867 Unit MA educator, writer h. Rev. Samuel Ripley Publ. 1999 Dictionary Famous
Ripley, Sophia Willard Dana 1803-1861 Unit Boston transcendentalist, Brooke Farm h. Rev. George Ripley Publ.
Roberts, Fannie Upham Cogswell 1834-1875 Univ ME minister Publ.
Robinson, Harriet I. Baker 1872-1964 Univ IN, IO, OH, MI, etc minister Publ.
Robinson, Harriet Jane Hanson 1825-1911 Univ MA abolistionist, writer, suffragist f. Susan B. Anthony, Juliet Ward Howe Publ.
Rogers, Annette Perkins 1841-1920 Unit Boston educator Publ.
Rogers, Emma Winner Lib.
Rogers, Harriet Burbank 1834-1919 Unit MA teacher of the deaf Publ.
Rombauer, Irma Louise von Starkloff 1877-1962 Unit con MO Joy of Cooking Publ.
Root, Amanda Lane 1839-? Univ MA temperance, Women’s Centenary Assoc. h. Solomon F. Root Publ.
Rowland, Eleanor Harris Lib.
Rowlett, Ladie Fowler 1863-1933 U/U minister h. John Wesley Rowlett Publ.
Ruddy, Ella Giles 1851-1917 Unit WI, CA suffragist, writer Publ.
Ruffin, Josephine St. Pierre Unit editor, Women’s Era Club d. Florence Ruffin Ridley Publ.
Russell, Emma Sargent 1889-1964 UU MA suffragist, social worker, writer Publ.
Russell, Frances Anna Maria Elliot (Lady, Countess) 1814-1898 UU England poet, Unitarian Congregation, Richmond, Surray gs. Bertrand Russell Famous
Safford, Mary Augusta 1851-1927 Unit IO lecturer, suffragist, minister Publ. Famous
Sandburg, Lilian Steichen 1883-1977 UU NC UU Church, Ashville, NC h. Carl Sandburg Famous
Sanders, Elizabeth Elkins 1762-1851 Unit MA Indian activist h. Thomas Sanders Publ.
Sanford, Maria Louisa 1836-1920 Unit con MN educator, lecturer Publ.
Sarnsom, Diana lv. UU historian Publ.
Sarton, May 1912-1995 UU Belgium, England, New England poet, essayist, novelist Lib. Publ. Dictionary Famous
Saunders, Judith Robinson Univ con c. Judith Sargant Murray Publ.
Sawyer, Caroline Mehitable Fisher 1812-1894 Univ MA author, editor h. Rev. Thomas Sawyer Publ.
Sawyer, Elizabeth Emerson Turner 1822-? Univ Chicago suffragist h. Charles Sawyer Publ.
Schuyler, Louisa Lee 1837-1926 Unit NY taught immigrant children Publ. 1999
Scott, Anne Firor Univ con historian Publ.
Scott, Julia H. Kinney 1809-1842 Univ PA poet h. Dr. D.L. Scott; f. Sarah Carter Edgarton Publ.
Scott, Mary Slaughter 1900-1973 UU AL teacher, RE Field Worker h. Rev. Dr. Clinton Lee Scott Publ. 2000 RE
Scudder, Eliza 1821-1896 Unit hymn writer Publ.
Sears, Ellen Bacon 1811-1897 Unit MA Ladies’ Benevolent Society h. Rev. Edward Hamilton Sears Publ.
Sedgwick, Catharine Maria 1789-1867 Unit NY writer, promoter of religious tolerance Lib. Publ.
Sedgwick, Elizabeth Unit f. Frances Anne Kemble Publ.
Selman, Marcia Martin 1856-1932 Univ MA, ME, VT, PA minister Publ.
Senghas, Dorothy 1930-2002 UU MA, VT librarian, archivist, UUHS 2004 Dictionary
Sessions, Kate Olivia 1857-1940 Unit CA horticulturist, writer Publ.
Severance, Caroline Maria Seymour 1820-1914 Unit NY, OH, Boston, CA reformer, educator h. Theodoric Severence Publ. 1998 Dictionary Famous
Sewall, Lucy Ellen 1837-1890 Unit New England physician, feminist f. Samuel Sewall Publ.
Sewall, May Wright 1844-1920 Unit IN educator, suffragist, editor Publ.
Shattuck, Harriet Lucy Robinson Univ d. of Harriet Robinson Lib. Publ.
Shaw, Annette Jane 1848-1920 Univ VT, IL, WI, CO physician, minister Publ.
Shaw, Pauline Agassiz 1841-1917 Unit Boston educator, philanthrophist Lib. Publ.
Shelly, Mary Wollstonecraft 1797-1851 Unit con writer d. of Mary Wollstencroft Publ. Famous
Shindler, Mary Palmer Dana 1810-1883 Unit SC, TX, IO writer h. Charles E. Dana; R.D.Shindler Publ.
Shipley, Jody 2004
Shippman, Inez Lyra 1850-1926 Univ OH, NY, PA minister Publ.
Shurcliff, Margaret Homer 1879? Unit Boston writer, King’s Chapel Lib. Publ.
Sias, Flora Bronis Univ NY, OH, MA minister Publ.
Sienienska, Jadwiga 16th cent. Unit Poland Unitarian Center Publ.
Sikes, Tanya C. lv. UU historian Anna Garlin Spencer Publ.
Silvester, Evelyn 1913-1991 UU MA atist 2002
Skinner, Henrietta Dana Lib.
Slabic, Alyce Biddle 1913-1998 UU MN, IO, CA taught school, feminist, founder of NOW h. Clyde DeLany Publ. 2000
Smith, Bonnie Hurd lv. UU MA historian Judith Sargant Murray Publ.
Smith, Bonnie Hurd lv. UU historian Judith Sargent Murray Publ.
Smith, Chloe Publ.
Smith, Elizabeth Oakes Prince 1806-1893 U/U NY writer, women’s rights Publ.
Smith, Mary Prudence Wells 1840-1930 Unit NY, OH, MA, CT UU Post Office Mission, Women’s Unitarian Alliance, Rowe Camp h. Fayette Smith Lib. Publ.
Smith, Nancy Wiley Paine 1859-1940 Univ MA, NH minister Publ.
Smith, Sophia 1796-1870 Unit MA Founder of Smith College Publ.
Smith, Sydney Publ.
Somerville, Mary Fairfax 1780-1872 Unit England author, suffragist, mathematician, astronomer Publ.
Soule, Caroline Augusta White 1824-1903 Univ Scotland minister, author, RE writer Lib. Publ. Dictionary
Southwind, Glory lv. UU con hsitorian Augusta Chapin Publ.
Spalding, Jessie Pulis 1873-1954 Unit NH, NY, Chicago minister h. Rev. Samuel Charles Spalding Publ.
Spence, Catherine Helen 1825-1910 Unit Scotland, Australia suffragist, politico, novelist Publ.
Spencer, Anna Carpenter Garlin 1851-1931 Unit RI minister, reformer, activist Publ. 2001
Spoerl, Dorothy Mary Tilden 1906-1999 UU NY, IL, ME, NH, VT minister, educator, religious educator Lib. Publ. 2003 RE
Spofford, Harriet Elizabeth Prescott 1835-1921 Unit writer Thomas Wentworth Higginson Lib. Publ.
Sprague, Elisabeth Rebecca Lowell 1831-1904 Unit Boston King’s Chapel, philanthropist Lib. Publ.
Sprague, Lila Allison Frost Unit IL, WI, CA, MI Minister h. Rev. Leslie Sprague Publ.
St. Leger, Harriet Unit Francis Power Cobbe Publ.
Stacy, Martha R. Univ Japan missionary Publ.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 1815-1902 Unit con NY women’s rights f. Susan B. Anthony Lib. Publ.
Stetson, Catherine Beecher Unit d. of Charlotte Perkins Gilman Stetson Publ.
Stetson, Grace Ellery Channing 1860-1920 Unit author gd. William Ellery Channing Publ.
Stevens, Lillian Marrion Norton Ames 1844-1914 Univ ME ME. Women’s Christian Temperance Union, reformer Publ.
Stevens, Nettie Maria 1861-1912 Unit VT, MA cytologist, writer, lecturer Publ.
Stockwell, Maud Conkey 1863-1958 Unit MN suffragist h. Albert Stockwell Publ.
Stone, Emily Howard Publ.
Stone, Hannah Unit con d. Lucy Stone Publ.
Stone, Lucinda Hinsdale 1814-1900 Unit VT, MI, MS abolishionist, suffragist Publ.
Stone, Lucy 1818-1893 Unit MA feminist, abolitionist, suffragist h. Blackwell; f. Antoinette Brown Lib. Publ. 1998, 2000 Famous RE
Stoner, Sara L. Smelser 1856-1947 Univ OH, IN minister Publ.
Stowe, Emily Howard Jennings 1831-1903 Unt Toronto first woman doctor of Canada, suffragist Publ. 1996 Famous RE
Stowe, Harriet Beecher Publ.
Straub, Mary A. 1837-1914 Univ MI, IN minister, hym writer Publ.
Stray, Ermina C. Univ OH minister Publ.
Sunderland, Eliza Read 1839-1910 Unit CA, ONT, IL, MA, etc women’s rights, women’s organizations h. Rev. Jabez Sunderland Publ.
Swan, Susan lv. UU con Boston musician, historian Publ.
Sweet, Emma B. Unit NY secretary to Anthony f. Susan B. Anthony Publ.
Swett, Doris A. 1898-1930 Univ ME, MA minister Publ.
Tabor, Augusta Louise Pierce 1833-1895 Unit CO feminist, Pioneer Ladies’ Aid Society Lib. Publ.
Tappan, Caroline Sturgis 1819-1888 Unit MA writer s. Ellen Sturgis Hooper Publ.
Taylor, Clementia Unit England suffragist Publ.
Taylor, Emily Lib.
Tedford, Maria Pushaw Univ ME, DC, CA minister Publ.
Thanet, Octave Lib.
Thaxter, Celia Leighton 1835-1894 Unit NH, ME writer, poet, Appledore and Star Island, attended Portsmouth church Lib. Publ.
Thomas, M. Louise Univ NY sorois, National Council of Women Rev. Lowell C. Thomas; f. S.N.Palmer, Univ. editor Publ.
Thomas, Maud McClennan 1885-1976 UU NYC African-American, public health nurse Publ.
Thompson, Lilia Lansley 1888-1971 Unit KS, OR, England, CA minister, educator Publ.
Thompson, Mary Louise Butler 1911-2000 UU editor, women’s groups 2002
Thornwell, Emily Lib.
Ticknor, Anna E. 1823-1896 Univ education for women Publ.
Tillinghast, Anna Churchill Moulton 1874-1951 Univ ME, MA minister, suffragist, temprance, labor laws Publ.
Tobey, Julia Mary 1886-1947 Univ NY minister, social worker Publ.
Todd, Adeline Boardman 1815-? Univ con MA writer Publ.
Todd, Marion Marsh 1811-1914? Univ NH, MI, CA lecturer, lawyer, Unior Labor Party Publ.
Tonkin, Ada Unit Publ.
Towne, Laura Matilda 1825-1901 Unit Phila., NC abolistionist, writer p. Ellen Murray Publ. 2004
Townsend, Gladys Emily 1897-1997 UU NY, MA, PA minister, social worker, Shelter Rock UU f. Margarite Poheck Publ. 1998
Truth, Sojourner Publ.
Tubman, Harriet Publ.
Tucker, Helen 1905-? Voice of Women, war protestor Publ.
Turner, Martha 1873-? Unit Australia minister Publ.